Rafferty Criminal Defense, LLC 114 Main Street West Ashland WI 54806

Excerpts from the Ashland Police Blotter

Week of March 14:

Sunday 8:32 p.m. Report of horse at large in caller’s yard — an ongoing problem
Tuesday 3:31 p.m. Suspicious activity: Caller reported someone coming into his yard claiming he was doing census work, stating Bayfield Co. would not be receiving them in the mail, uncooperative when asked to leave
Wednesday 8:54 a.m. Report of hearing a humming sound at the science building at Northland College
Wednesday 2:54 p.m. Caller found someone’s personal belongings stashed in her yard: clothes, backpack and bottle of booze

Week of March 7:
Friday 12:36 p.m. Report of man offering meat and cheesecake for sale from white truck
Friday 12 12:51 p.m. Report of notice of lottery win received by mail along with $100,000 check — a possible scam
Friday 7:30 p.m. Report of mangy fox walking near high school
Saturday 4:55 p.m. Report of two small children tossing a glove at cars

Week of February 28:
Tuesday 3:37 p.m. Suspicious activity: Report of a man sitting in a ditch in Washburn drinking what looks like beer
Tuesday 5:30 p.m. Report of a fire in Washburn, update: No fire, just burnt pizza
Saturday 4:33 a.m. Report of naked and highly-intoxicated male in parking lot of high-rise

Week of February 21:
Monday 1:49 p.m. Theft: Caller reported a friend, who was temporarily taking care of his lizard, sold it
Saturday 11:46 p.m. Report of subjects sliding down roof of local business. Update: Subjects shooed away and building found secure

Week of February 14:
Sunday 4:19 p.m. Caller reported two vehicles in front of her house each with 3 teens, appear to have rifles with scopes. Update: Officer determined the kids were filming something for school and the guns were squirt guns
Sunday 12:20 p.m. Report of cows loose and headed toward U.S. 2
Tuesday 10:06 a.m. Suspicious activity: Caller reported someone had been in residence. Update: Officer found a squirrel and took care of it
Tuesday 6:52 p.m. Report of a longhorn steer that appeared to be lost on the snowmobile trail by White River Dam
Wednesday 11:31 a.m. Caller reported a brown shepherd in his yard that tried to bite him, owner was cited for dog at large
Thursday 5:05 a.m. Caller reported his half grown white Scottish Highlander bull with long horns has been missing since last Thursday and may be roaming around the Town of Kelly
Friday 6:48 a.m. Report of wife placing meds near heater to harm husband
Friday 8:57 p.m. Report of woman feeling harassed by female known to her over both having a garage sale on the same day
Saturday 5:49 p.m. Report of child alone in van in handicapped spot revving the engine
Saturday 7:53 p.m. Report of male hit by purse and thrown into a counter by his mother over a computer issue

Week of February 7:
Friday 4:01 a.m. Report of intoxicated male lying near elevator. Update: Subject was dropped off at friend’s house
Friday 5:08 p.m. Report of a group of kids jumping around behind public building
Saturday 9:27 p.m. Report of dog hit by car. Driver suggests dog owner should pay for damage to vehicle

Week of January 31:
Tuesday 1:35 a.m. Report of noises heard under house. Update: There were no signs found of recent activity or either humans or animals.
Wednesday 2:25 p.m. Caller reported an animal complaint, a fisher coming into her yard after her small dogs Friday 3:16 a.m. Report of log in middle of Hwy. 118. Update: Log removed.
Saturday: 2:01 a.m. Request to remove recliner from roadway.

Week of January 24:
Wednesday 7:37 p.m. Traffic hazard: Report of a large hay bale in west lane of traffic by Maslowski Beach. Update: Hay bale removed.
Saturday 12:03 a.m. Report of subject wearing underwear, socks and T-shirt.
Saturday 9:25 a.m. Report of pants found in driveway.

Week of January 17:
Monday 12:36 p.m. Request to speak with officer about drum set bought for ex who would not give it back.

Week of January 10:
Sunday 12:39 p.m. Request for assistance in convincing boy to go to school.
Sunday 3:18 p.m. Report of cow or horse in middle of road near Glidden.
Sunday 8:06 p.m. Report of kids throwing snowballs at dog and at house and yelling at owner. Update: Prior to officer’s arrival, mother took her children and left the scene.
Tuesday 12:00 p.m. Complaint of neighbor’s dogs running loose — an ongoing problem. Dog owner stated his neighbors are harassing him. Update: Area was to be checked to see if dogs are running loose. Upon arrival at residence one dog was tied up and the other two were in the house. Female resident was very polite and was warned about dogs running at large.
Tuesday 2:42 p.m. Report of business owner receiving cell phone calls. Update: Cell phone owner called and explained the phone was in his pocket and was dialing on its own.
Wednesday 2:16 p.m. Report of male walking into cornfield with a baby strapped to him. Update: Subject was wildlife manager for feed farm and was walking with his daughter and shed hunting.
Wednesday 6:08 p.m. Fire alarm sounding. Update: Event was a burned grilled cheese sandwich.
Wednesday 7:35 p.m. Report of light on in cabin that owner had not entered in over a month. Update: Driveway was not plowed and there were no tracks in snow. One door was unlocked and the lamp was touch-activated and may have been set off by a squirrel.
Wednesday 11:55 p.m. Report of intoxicated male trying to climb backyard fence and having trouble keeping his pants up.
Friday 9:17 p.m. Report of drum missing from its usual shelf. Update: Caller’s son had taken the drum for safekeeping.
Saturday 3:24 p.m. Report of three horses running loose on Hwy. 13. Update: Horses were returned home.

Week of January 3:
Sunday 8:21 p.m. Report of items taken from shop and put in van. Update: It was employee and everything was OK.
Monday 2:50 p.m. Report of boys playing hockey and shooting pucks and hitting building. Update: Players agreed to try to improve their aim and hit the net, not the building.
Tuesday 5:35 p.m. Report of woman writing large check to men who came to her house claiming to be selling vacuum cleaners. Update: Woman advised to put a stop on the check.
Wednesday 7:14 a.m. Report of horse running loose on highway near Drummond.

Week of December 27:
Friday 5:54 a.m. Report of male at restaurant opening his jacket and showing a gun to people at table. Update: Subject had no gun, was showing his bite mark.

Week of December 20:
Sunday 8:00 p.m. Report of male running out of door with a case of booze.
Tuesday: 3:05 a.m. Loud party complaint with parts of Christmas tree thrown from balcony.
Tuesday 4:44 p.m. Report of “residue” found in home after husband left premises.

Week of December 13:
Sunday 6:31 a.m. Report of couple known to victim taking his vehicle. Update: Couple were looking for victim’s dog and hence, had permission to use vehicle.
Monday 8:15 p.m. Report of person going through parked truck. Update: Was only someone parked next to truck changing a flat tire.

Week of December 6:
Tuesday 9:54 a.m. Report of horse running loose in person’s yard.
Tuesday 6:39 p.m. Domestic disturbance report — male, known as a “woman beater” throwing food at female. Update: Male was to stay at his father’s residence.
Wednesday 12:06 a.m. Report of persons banging on doors and windows of motel. Update: Some guests were confused as to which room was theirs.
Thursday 5:45 p.m. Report of break-ins to a number of cabins. Missing from caller’s cabin were two guns and a raccoon rug.
Saturday 4:24 p.m. Report of illegal dumping of garbage into dumpster.

Week of November 29:
Monday 1:15 a.m. Report of woman at tavern being “man-handled,” with caller noting that “the lady in the red pants is nice.” Update: Female removed from premises.
Tuesday 9:25 a.m. Report of man sitting on curb, advised that it was not a safe place to sit but refusing to move.
Tuesday 12:38 p.m. Report of woman slamming into fire hydrant while turning into her driveway. Update: There was no damage to the hydrant.
Thursday 6:05 p.m. Report of male walking east on US 2 inappropriately dressed.

Week of November 22:
Sunday 9:11 a.m. Report of subjects hunting in city dump. Update: Two individuals in orange were spotted but no firearms were sighted.
Monday 9:08 a.m. Report of skill saw and drill found in woods near casino.

Week of November 15:
Monday 8:10 p.m. Report of vehicle being “egged”. Update: It was an apple that was thrown.
Tuesday 10:28 p.m. Report of person hitting children with a rope in public.
Wednesday 12:44 a.m. Report of two dairy cows walking down Beaser Ave. Update: Owner contacted, was to retrieve animals.
Wednesday 12:11 p.m. Report of animal, possibly ferret, in caller’s garage.
Thursday 8:37 a.m. Report of phone calls received at all hours from people who could barely speak English.
Friday 3:35 p.m. Report of persons putting items from school into pick-up truck in Washburn High School parking lot. Update: Vehicle belonged to company hired to do some bleacher work at site.
Friday 10:17 p.m. Report of dog in distress. Update: Dog was tied outside and a fox was barking at it. Dog was taken inside for the night.

Week of November 8:
Monday 10:31 p.m. Report of subject returning home and finding pile of leaves n yard had been set on fire.
Monday 11:47 p.m. Report of two males in white shirts fleeing after setting leaves on fire again.
Thursday 12:07 p.m. Report of house filling with smoke but no flames visible. Update: Subject advised to leave residence.
Friday 2:09 a.m. Report of male lying in road. Update: Subject given ride to his residence.
Friday 11:40 a.m. Report of calling card malfunctioning, leading caller to offensive smut site. Caller contacted customer service but could not understand service agent due to heavy accent.
Friday 10:26 p.m. Report of male who was lying on ground now walking behind woman.
Saturday 12:16 a.m. Juvenile alcohol report. 17-year-old male agitated because he was refused more beer.

Week of November 1:
Sunday 2:29 a.m. Request for officer to “kick son out of house” so woman could sleep. Update: Woman called back saying she only called to threaten her son and he was now going to bed.
Saturday 3:44 p.m. Report of wheelchair stuck between toilet and wall of bathroom.

Week of October 25:
Monday 2:20 p.m. Caller would like to speak to an officer in regard to some kids “messing around” at the pit this weekend.
Monday 2:23 p.m. Report of dog attacked by another dog.
Monday 10:00 p.m. Report of lost purse. Update: Purse found in caller’s vehicle.
Tuesday 3:08 a.m. Suspicious activity report. Person asleep in vehicle at store parking lot. Update: No problem as subject occasionally sleeps at different locations.
Thursday 8:19 a.m. Report of skunk or raccoon living in shed.
Thursday 3:25 p.m. Report of cows on highway.
Thursday 4:41 p.m. Report of fight. Update: Appeared to be kids fooling around
Thursday 5:14 p.m. Report of tripod seen near church.
Saturday 6:31p.m. Report of cat attacked by dog.
Saturday 8:35 p.m. Report of house being egged by persons in truck with business name on side.

Week of October 18:
Monday 4:59 p.m. Report of child with a gun saying to another child, “This is a gun that will kill stuff”.
Tuesday 5:28 p.m. Report of missing wallet. Update: Report that wallet was found on dresser.
Thursday 9:11 p.m. Report of harassment by soon-to-be- ex-wife.
Friday 4:32 p.m. Report of neighbor giving away complainant’s horse.
Saturday 3:59 p.m. Caller reports individual lying near the Onion River bridge with no pants on. Update: two subjects were posing for class pictures, caller misinterpreted the situation.

Week of October 11:
Sunday 2:27 p.m. Caller would like to speak with an officer about his son smoking; caller was told by a counselor that if his son smokes the police are to give him a fine and make him quit smoking.
Wednesday 1:10 a.m. Report of people throwing stuff at a dog.
Wednesday 8:56 a.m. Caller reports a brown cow in the road on County Highway C.
Wednesday 9:14 a.m. Caller reports an ad in the Evergreen from an individual who says he is in Africa and wants people to pay to ship puppies back to him.
Wednesday 8:57 p.m. Report of a male lying in the middle of the street on Vaughn Avenue and 11th street.
Thursday 2:56 p.m. Caller from Marengo reports a large pig in her yard and she wants it gone before her kids get off the bus.
Thursday 2:57 p.m. Report of large pig in yard.
Friday 11:50 p.m. Caller believes someone broke into his house and left lubricant and condoms on his bed; noting appeared missing or damaged.

Week of October 4:
Monday 11:35 p.m. Caller reports his upstairs neighbor is jumping on the floor; this is an ongoing problem between neighbors.
Tuesday 11:34 p.m. Caller states that someone dropped off cats on her property and she would like them picked up.
Wednesday 7:09 a.m. USA Central fire alarm at the Community Center building in Iron River; alarm canceled as they were making pancakes and the alarm went off.
Wednesday 6:22 p.m. Caller reports the neighbor is playing the drums again; states this is an ongoing problem.
Wednesday 11:29 p.m. Caller from Bayfield requests information on what to do about a broken oral thermometer; Dispatch advised her to call MMC E.R. for advice; she called back and requested that someone come to talk to her 15-year-old son who was "freaking out" about the broken thermometer; per officer, the son has calmed down and they received advice from Poison Control on how to deal with the broken thermometer.
Thursday 8:11 a.m. Caller states there are cows on the road; this is an on going problem.
Friday 2:21 a.m. Caller from Holiday reports an approximate 7 foot male stole a bunch of stuff; when caught, he put the items on the counter and ran out.
Friday 1:17 p.m. Caller requests an officer in regard to a student who is being very disruptive and refuses to leave the pool.
Saturday 2:49 p.m. Cows on road.
Saturday 4:57 p.m. Caller repots two alpacas in his driveway

Week of September 27:
Sunday 9:24 a.m. Caller reports neighbor’s sheep in his yard, then calls back sometime later to say that lightning scared them away.
Monday 7:47 a.m. Complaint of neighbor’s cows in yard and blocking the driveway so caller could not leave the property.
Monday 4:37 p.m. Caller reports that his 38-year-old son took away his cane and his phone; he is calling from his ex-wife’s residence.
Tuesday 4:00 p.m. Caller from Herbster reports his father is trying to use his phone line again; also reports that he is upset that he has to deal with this situation himself and that the situation wasn’t already resolved last night; would like his fathers phone taken away.
Tuesday 7:57 p.m. Caller reports that is neighbors have been drumming for hours and he would like it stopped.
Thursday 12:44 Repot of intoxicated male who keeps falling into the road.
Friday 2:02 a.m. Caller reports a person on foot being cased by a bear.
Friday 5:35 p.m. Loose horse reported.
Saturday 2:55 a.m. Horses loose on road.

Week of September 20:
Sunday 1:07 a.m. Caller states an individual is in the bar and won’t leave; further states he isn’t suppose to be in the bar.
Sunday 5:04 p.m. Caller reports his bike was stolen by a young girl.
Monday 2:54 p.m. Report of an elderly gentleman going door-to-door asking for money.
Monday 8:24 p.m. Caller reports four juvenile males “messing” with scarecrow decorations on West Main Street.
Tuesday 8:49 a.m. Report of a 10-year-old male out of control and throwing things.
Tuesday 10:19 a.m. Caller reports the neighbor’s cows ruined their cornfield.
Friday 8:15 a.m. Caller reported that a vehicle has been parked in his parking lot for two years.
Friday 11:08 a.m. Caller reported that someone wrote “desire” in fresh cement on Beaser Avenue.
Friday 11:22 p.m. The mayor reported that near the welcome to Ashland sing on U.S. Highway 2 someone spray-painted a penis on the highway.
Saturday 5:05 p.m. Report of large unattended suitcase sitting at corner of Main Street and U.S Highway 2.

Week of September 13:
Tuesday 3:13 a.m. Report of a donkey running around Highway 137.
Tuesday 3:12 p.m. Report of loose sheep eating fruit trees.
Wednesday 12:23 p.m. Sheep in yard.
Friday 2:30 a.m. Report of “suspicious” people near post office.
Saturday 4:32 p.m. Park caretaker reports the screens on the bathroom have been popped out and people were climbing in and out.

Week of September 6:
Sunday 4:16 a.m. Report of male sitting on side of road crying.
Monday 2:01 p.m. Report of teenagers on roof shooting arrows into yard.
Monday9:54 p.m. Caller reports seeing kids running away from an area which now appears to be glowing as it is on fire.
Tuesday 7:44 a.m. Caller advised her daughter won’t go to school and she would like her arrested.
Wednesday 4:35 p.m. Caller would like an officer to pick up her son and make him go to bed; caller says he’s very intoxicated.
Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Caller reports the is a big rock in the middle of U.S. Highway 2 just west of Iron River; officer found a big piece of bark and removed it.
Wednesday 11:33 p.m. Caller states that is girlfriend’s ex just went over to his house and “talked a bunch of crazy” to him; he would like to speak with an officer.
Thursday 7:05 a.m. Caller found a new bike behind his lilac bushes.
Thursday 9:37 a.m. Caller states an individual was harassing him in his back yard last night, watching him, and calling him several times from a cell phone.
Friday 12:40 p.m. Report of individual checking out of a room and taking a table lamp with her.
Friday 8:32 p.m. Caller reports a male in his back yard who he believes is intoxicated and is yelling.
Friday 9:41 p.m. Caller reported that his ex-wife came over, slapped him, pushed him, and then left with the kids; he thinks she is living in a camper.

Week of August 30:
Sunday 11:13 p.m. Report of five boys running on roofs of buildings across from courthouse.
Tuesday 12:09 p.m. Officer received a call reporting that someone slashed caller’s ties; per officer, tire just looks flat.
Wednesday 8:22 a.m. Caller requests an officer as his son will not go to school.
Wednesday 8:32 a.m. Report of a refrigerator thrown in dumpster illegally.
Thursday 8:43 p.m. Report of one female and six males who yelled, “Give me a cigarette, bitch” to caller by the skate park.
Friday 7:20 a.m. Caller requests an officer talk to caller’s son who did not want to go to school.
Saturday 12:00 a.m. Report of highly intoxicated person calling 911 to talk to operator about philosophy.

Week of August 23:
Sunday 7:24 p.m. Report of kids throwing bricks into road.
Sunday 11:07 p.m. Report of kids throwing water balloons at cars.
Tuesday 11:33 p.m. Report of kids running around near Glidden school.
Thursday 2:24 a.m. Extremely confused subject walked into caller’s home, took his shoes off and turned on the lights. When the homeowner woke up he asked the guy what he was doing in his house and the guy said he owned it. The homeowner informed him he did not own the residence and the male put his shoes back on and left the residence. Caller believes the individual is on his way to red cliff.
Thursday 7:58 p.m. Caller reports finding two peafowl in his yard; after reading in the paper about someone losing two peafowl, he thought they might be theirs; as it turns out, those two were located and returned this morning, so these are newly lost.
Thursday 9:23 p.m. Intoxicated male lying outside casino doors.
Friday 7:02 p.m. Report of someone sleeping by bathrooms at Maslowski Beach.
Friday 12:08 p.m. Lawn mower abandon in yard.

Week of August 16:
Sunday 3.25 a.m. Report of neighbor screaming obscenities.
Sunday 4:15 a.m. Report of someone trying to light a park bench on fire.
Sunday 6:29 p.m. Caller states someone threw her lawn ornaments through her window.
Thursday 3:10 a.m. Caller states there is a male lying in the hallway of his apartment building and he has no idea who he is.

Week of August 9:
Sunday 7:24 p.m. Pamida reported a male who stole a candy bar and is in the bathroom.
Monday 5:12 p.m. “No Trespassing” sign stolen.
Wednesday 10:17 a.m. Caller from Iron River reports that his son isn’t listening to him.
Saturday 6:17 p.m. Complaint of kids screaming all day long.

Week of August 2:
Monday 3:18 p.m. Caller from Washburn reports two baby raccoons hanging out on her house and possibly the neighbor kids shooting airguns at the raccoons; per officer, no shooting was going on; it was an airhammer from a house project nearby
Monday 5:58 p.m. Caller says someone was in his house and stole his blanket
Tuesday 11:22 p.m. Caller wants to speak with an officer as her husband is being obnoxious and won’t let her go to sleep.
Thursday 9:55 a.m. Caller requests to see an officer about a problem he was having with his mother; he was at the Washburn IGA

Week of July 26:
Sunday 12:12 a.m Five consecutive 911 calls received from a person complaining about harassing phone calls.
Sunday 8:07 a.m. Report of male lying in ally.
Monday 10:13 a.m. Caller states he was gone for the weekend and when he returned he found a baggie with yellow powder in it sitting on his bathroom sink; no one should have been in the house.
Monday 10:45 a.m. Caller reports his neighbor’s sheep are all over and becoming a real problem.
Monday 11:05 a.m. Caller states he found some raw hamburger wrapped in foil inside his mailbox.
Tuesday 10:15 a.m. Caller got change from Wal-Mart yesterday and was given a $1 bill that is not real and had a bunny on it.
Tuesday 6:08 p.m. Caller would like to press charges against a telemarketer who keeps calling and swearing at him; he shared most of the swear words with dispatch.
Tuesday 7:37 p.m. Female caller reports individual threw a fan at her and then left the residence.
Thursday 10:34 a.m. Caller requested a squad come to his house because “the girls” are wreaking vehicles; he knows it’s “the girls” because toys are left by the vehicles.
Friday 8:46 p.m. Report of a bike stolen and another bike left in its place.
Saturday 12:08 p.m. Neighbor’s sheep are on the road in front of caller’s house and he wants the neighbor ticketed.
Saturday 5:35 p.m. Complainant states neighbor cut her grass again.

Week of July 19:
Monday 11:59 am Report of large amount of what appeared to be human hair at scenic overlook.
Thursday 11:25 a.m. Caller reports hearing loud blast that shook the house – government workers were blowing up beaver dams.
Thursday 6:03 p.m. Report of excessive beer cans and litter near bonfire site on beach.
Thursday 2:20 p.m. Report of loose goats and sheep.
Friday 12:41 a.m. Report of people by Marengo Valley School; per responding officer, the people were picking nightcrawlers.
Saturday 4:26 a.m. Caller states a female broke into their camper and was trying to use the restroom.

Week of July 12:
Sunday 5:28 p.m. Officer out with an owl on the road; was able to get to owl to perch in a nearby tree.
Monday 9:18 a.m. Caller reports receiving a $2,000 check for a puppy that was advertised for $400.
Monday 9:09 p.m. Caller states she is caught between two neighbors who are trying to annoy each other with loud noises like loud music and barking bear dogs.
Wednesday 3:29 p.m. Caller from cable reports that bags of golf clubs and a large cooler of beer were stolen last night.
Thursday 4:09 p.m. Bayfield caller requests an officer for his neighbor who is yelling and screaming outside.
Friday 11:41 a.m. Report of three show rabbits on side of road.
Saturday 8:31 a.m. Abandoned vehicle with a dog, cat and pygmy goat inside.
Saturday 12:03 p.m. Complaint of sheep in yard.
Saturday 5:43 p.m. Caller states kids are disturbing her dogs.
Saturday 6:41 p.m. Turkeys loose on road.

Week of July 5:
Wednesday 6:55 p.m. Report of kids being loud and vomiting.
Thursday 9:35 p.m. Report of logs burning in fireplace inside store with no one around; per responding officer, it appeared to be a decorative fake fire.

Week of June 28:
Saturday 1:00 a.m. Caller reports a bunch of kids at the graveyard that were “probably drinking”.
Saturday 1:52 a.m. Caller reports her husband’s car was stolen; they watched it go out of the driveway.

Week of June 21:
Monday 9:09 a.m. Caller reported someone taking 67 newspapers and a mix CD from his garage sometime this morning.
Tuesday 10:16 a.m. Caller reports a bull came and has its head in her car; states she was out for a drive on Wannebo Road and a bull ran up to her car and won’t leave them alone or take his head out of her car.

Week of June 14:
Sunday 9:42 a.m. Caller states large gas grill was in his yard when he woke up.
Monday 11:12 a.m. Caller states someone is “messing around” with his golf carts.
Wednesday 7:01 a.m. Caller reports that she has a stray cat in her house.
Thursday 1:38 p.m. Anonymous caller requests an officer to check on a subject who is intoxicated and playing with swords.
Thursday 9.38 p.m. Walk-in repots he cannot tolerate his neighbors anymore; says they have been revving their engines and being loud and swearing and he wants it stopped.
Saturday 10:33 a.m. Anonymous male reported a guy in a white tank top and black pants knocking on people’s doors and asking for money to pay his cell bill.

Week of June 7:
Monday 7:19 p.m. Caller states that someone left a garbage bag by her mailbox and she thinks there may be something dead inside; per officer, the bag is discarded fish carcasses and officer disposed of the bag.
Monday 10:49 p.m. 911 caller can hear females screaming in an upper unit and a lot of “loud banging”.
Monday 11:47 p.m. Caller calls back and reports there is still something going on upstairs with lots of noise.
Thursday 10:47 a.m. Complaint of gaggle of geese hanging out in caller’s garden.
Friday 6:33 a.m. Loose sheep.
Friday 4:57 p.m. Report of three kids throwing things at cars.
Friday 5:09 p.m. Officer out with kids throwing around a damaged park bench.
Friday 8:20 p.m. Complaint of kids “monkeying around” in parking lot.
Saturday 8:26 p.m. Complaint of sheep in yard again.

Week of May 31:
Sunday 9:34 a.m. Bear up tree in front yard
Sunday 12:22 a.m. Caller states her mother is drunk and just took a nude photo of her.
Sunday 12:10 p.m. Feral cat bite.
Monday 10:06 a.m. Caller states husband was intentionally pushed into a bonfire.
Monday 2:05 p.m. Report of male in black truck trying to drive on top of another car.
Monday 5:57 p.m. Caller reports giving brother $800 toward a car that he never bought but he no longer has the money to return.
Monday 6:00 p.m. Caller reports seeing someone pick up a fawn.
Tuesday 7:02 a.m. Report of younger male wandering around near marina with pants around his ankles and seeming “out of it”.
Thursday 12:56 a.m. Caller reports finding a large man with a black T-shirt on trying to rip the license plate off the front of his truck; states the man looks to have a fire extinguisher and is walking around hitting things.
Friday 11:20 p.m. Report of broken picnic table.
Saturday 8:43 p.m. Report of kids “messing around” at the laundromat on Main Street East.

Week of May 24:
Monday 9:32 a.m. Peeping tom reported.
Monday 9:45 a.m. Wooden mushroom decoration stolen from yard.
Wednesday 12:22 p.m. Cows on road.
Thudrsday 8:53 a.m. Complaint about neighbor slamming door -- per responding officer, there is construciton going on there.
Friday 12:16 p.m. Caller was awarded ATV in divorce hearing but ex is refusing to relinquish the ATV.
Friday 9:15 a.m. Complaint about neighbor feeding birds which is becoming problematic.
Friday 1:51 p.m. Caller states husband is intoxicated and lying in middle of road, refusing to get up.
Saturday 6:08 p.m. Report of three males trashing a car -- per responding officer, they own the vehicle and are using it for scraps.

Week of May 17:
Wednesday 5:16 p.m. Report of open door at unoccupied residence; residence secure, door probably blown open by wind.
Wednesday 8:31 p.m. Report of someone trying to sell pills.
Thursday 2:40 p.m. Caller would like to speak with an officer in regard to the car wash going all night long on Lakeshore Drive East.
Thursday 3:20 p.m. Dispatch received a 911 call stating that there was a bear on Beaser Ave.; caller stated they were chasing the bear; dispatcher advised caller to stop chasing the bear.
Thursday 5:39 p.m. Caller reports that a vehicle rolled into hers in the parking lot.
Thursday 6:59 p.m. Caller would like to speak with an officer about a “punk” who stole his cigarettes at the skate park.
Thursday 9:27 p.m. Caller reports a group of girls spit all over his Hummer parked on Main Street in front of the theater.
Friday 3:05 a.m. Caller reports some kids broke into his garage again and stole a lot of things including $400 worth of Trinkos.
Friday 5:59 a.m. Caller reported a truck doing “pop awheeles”.
Saturday 6:33 a.m. Caller states both his and his wife’s cars were gone through last night but nothing appears to have been taken.
Saturday 7:34 a.m. Caller reports someone went through his car last night and he’s missing a camera and work keys.
Saturday 12:42 p.m. Anonymous male caller reports that a male left a butcher knife on the front steps.

Office: (715) 682-5600 | Fax: (715) 682-7788 | Email: Joe@LawyerJoe.com
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Closed Noon - 1:00 pm

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